Through the Sacrament of Confirmation, a life receives the Holy Spirit and His gifts. It is also the last Sacrament of Christian Initiation, thus the person who receives this Sacrament comes into full communion with the Catholic Church.
Important things to consider:
- The Confirmation program is open to students who attend HIGH SCHOOL
- It is a 2-year program
- Must present certificate of Baptism and First Holy Communion upon enrollment
Confirmation years 1 & 2:
How long does the program last?
2 years. You have to enroll your teen each year.
How much does the program cost?
New and Returning students must re-register each year before classes begin. Tuition for Confirmation is $200 for one teen. Outstanding tuition balance should be paid by November 1st 2024. If you have a 2nd teen in the program, tuition for the 2nd teen is $150.
What supporting documents do I need?
When enrolling your teen for the First Year of Confirmation, you must submit a copy of your teen’s Baptism and First Communion Certificates. Failure to do so, may impact the ability to fully complete the process.
When are the classes?
Classes are held once a month on a Tuesday night. Additionally, teens and their families are required to attend the Confirmation’s Family Mass , at 12:30 pm one Sunday a month. Download the calendars for each year located on the column to the right.
In what languages are the classes given?
The classes are in English only. However, our staff speaks Spanish too.
My teen needs to complete First Holy Communion. What should I do?
There is an opportunity for teenagers to complete missing Sacraments (Baptism, First Holy Communion) during the First Year of their Confirmation program. Please talk to the Director of Religious Education for more information
Ready to enroll your teen in our Confirmation program?
Confirmation enrollment for 2024-2025 is NOW OPEN. Last day to register is Saturday, September 7, 2024.

For more information or questions about our Confirmation or Youth programs, please contact Elizabeth Oviedo at
[email protected] or (818) 342-4686 ext. 206 or (213) 948-1597